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Humanity's Ultimate Endeavor

By Robert Thomas Drury
Updated December 30, 2024

Humanity's Ultimate Endeavor

Humanity's Ultimate Endeavor integrates an Ultimate Means achiving an Ultimate End. Humanity's Ultimate End is Humanity living at Full Potential. Toward this end, Humanity's Ultimate Means integrates an ultimate reality, philosophy & facility. Humanity's Ultimate Reality integrates our shared observations and understanding of our world; Humanity's Ultimate Philosophy integrates principles and practices; Humanity's Ultimate Facility integrates societies and systems, cultures and traditions, institutions and infrastructure.

Humanity's Ultimate Endeavor is that on which humanity is most able to achieve universal consensus. This achievement of universal consensus is a defining pillar of Humanity's Ultimate Endeavor, providing for us the greatest probability of its successful realization.

A second defining pillar of Humanity's Ultimate Endeavor is its feature of total positivity, or inclusion of all known positivity and exclusion of all known negativity, a feature on which humanity appears most able to achieve universal consensus, and which provides us crucial, stabilizing, positive momentum.

A third defining pillar of Humanity's Ultimate Endeavor is its integration, which emphasizes the way in which components fit and work together to manifest total positivity in the outcomes of the whole, including both intermediate outcomes in our Ultimate Means, and in the ultimate outcome of our Full Potential.

A fourth defining pillar of Humanity's Ultimate Endeavor is the meaning of Ultimate. By definition, an ultimate endeavor includes all known positivity and excludes all known negativity, such that as more of each becomes known, the ultimate endeavor is adjusted as soon as possible, with universal participation and by universal consensus, thereby eliminating conflicting divisions across humanity.

We enjoy great comfort understanding how the observations and understanding in our Ultimate Reality, the principles and the practices in our Ultimate Philosophy, and their outcomes in our Ultimate Facility, are each a set of integrated components that work together. Likewise, we enjoy great comfort understanding how each component in each set is a necessity to complete total positivity in the contribution of each set.

Likewise, we enjoy great comfort understanding how the integrated set of outcomes of our Ultimate Reality, Philosophy, & Facility produce yet another integrated set of outcomes, that is Humanity at Full Potential, that directly meets our universal human needs with total positivity, and least work/cost/harm.

Finally, we enjoy great comfort understanding the necessity of, and our pursuing, an ongoing cultivation and refinement of the whole of Humanity's Ultimate Endeavor, including Humanity's Ultimate Reality, Philosophy, & Facility, and Humanity at Full Potential, to maximize our thriving.

Humanity's Full Potential

Humanity, at its full potential, is nature's pinnacle achievement in its ongoing process of order-building. Humanity's full potential is easy to imagine and we can discover it in all its reality, when we want to pursue it. Universal consensus toward reaching humanity's full potential is also easy to imagine because all organisms ultimately want to fully utilize all our capacities to thrive.

Reaching its full potential is humanity's role in its participation in nature's order-building process. Humanity's full potential is all individuals fully utilizing our capacities, managing our tendencies, and meeting our needs, with full naturality, positivity, and simplicity, in harmony with nature, and with individual independence, universal consensus, and universal respect for the intrinsic worth and informed will of all.

The discovery and development process in reaching humanity's full potential is independently carried out by each individual, with mutual aid that enhances the process and establishes universal consensus.

Key to humanity reaching its full potential is achieving universal respect for the intrinsic worth and informed will of all. Intrinsic worth is the value we place on living organisms and our potential to thrive. Universal respect for the intrinsic worth of all of life builds stability and momentum in our strategies to reach our full potential, without interference from forces of chaos.

Our free will becomes our informed will when we apply the necessary information, attention, and thought. Universal respect for our informed will avoids fragmented and misguided realities and strategies imposed through environmental conditioning, and misguided/unmanaged tendencies. Only our informed will can produce the outcomes necessary for us to reach our individual independence and our full potential.

Humanity's Ultimate Need

Humanity's ultimate need is to thrive at our full potential. Our full potential is reached by independently discovering and meeting all our physiological and psychological needs. Meeting all our physiological needs fully nurtures our bodies, and meeting all our psychological needs fully utilizes our capacities, for our ultimate thriving. We individually and independently meet all our needs with an integrated strategy of least work/cost/harm, and most naturality/positivity/simplicity.

Our physiological needs include sun, air, water, food, elimination, sleep, procreation, touch, exercise, comfort, and safety. Our psychological needs include joy, love, companionship, community, esteem, and actualization.

Individually, we experiment to distinguish between our needs and our wants. A want is a feeling of preference for a specific strategy to meet a need. As we evaluate our wants, we can identify underlying needs, while evolving strategies of least work/cost/harm, or most naturality/positivity/simplicity, to meet these.

We find this model of human nature, based on universal human needs, and humanity's ultimate priority to meet them, tremendously helps us to turn attention away from negativity and toward positivity. We also find that applying Kant's Categorical Imperative, that is identifying what serves all, equally, tremendously helps us identify universal human needs.

Humanity's Ultimate Philosophy

We benefit when cultivating our faith and trust in humanity toward achieving universal consensus on a design for our ultimate philosophy (principles and practices), as the foundation for living at our full potential. We implement our ultimate philosophy after we design it, when each decides to do so, after anticipating ultimate benefits to be one's foundation stones to reach one's full potential.

We proceed individually and independently, but with the benefit of mutual aid, to design and implement our ultimate philosophy. Ours is an ultimate design and implementation because we see that it can be, and we want it to be, as it ultimately allows each and every individual to answer all questions, solve all problems, and resolve all conflicts. These benefits we gain from all the elements of our ultimate philosophy, such as universal participation and consensus, that multiply with each-other, as they feed a virtuous circle of positivity, in a process that culminates in our ultimate desired outcome of total positivity.

Our design is made ultimate by prioritizing our meeting universal human needs with least work/cost/harm, or most naturality/positivity/simplicity, and pursuing its completeness. This ongoing pursuit of completeness causes our ultimate philosophy to transcend all previous philosophies by incorporating all of their fully positive elements and omitting others, refining toward a complete, integrated, positive whole.

Our pursuing completeness invalidates any reason to replace our ultimate philosophy with another philosophy as we systematically identify and correct deficiencies encountered in a process of refinement. A philosophy pursuing completeness never needs replacing. Instead, our design undergoes maximum scrutiny and receives necessary refinement at the earliest opportunity, building our confidence in our process and outcomes, with each refinement.

A positive whole can most easily reinforce our unity in all respects. We want an ultimate philosophy that eliminates all divisions and ends all competition. Our ending competition naturally encourages universal participation and cooperation to build our ultimate philosophy, our ultimate principles and practices, our ultimate participation in nature's order-building process, our ultimate everything.

Principle of Commonality

Humanity reaches a most easy consensus on those things we share most in common, or most easily agree upon. Those things tend to be the ones most beneficial to us, because they are the things we need most, physiologically and psychologically. When we value and prioritize the things we share most in common, we tend to also value our mechanisms for mutual aid, for sharing strategies and support. This mutual aid is needed by each individual, for determining probabilities in intricate webs of cause and effect, for understanding how things work, in order to devise strategies of least negativity and most positivity, to meet all our needs, and to reach our full potential.

Principle of Multiplication

In regard to influences or impacts upon our realities, combinations of positive and negative impacts will tend to cancel each other, while groups of positive impacts tend to reinforce each other, and also groups of negative impacts tend to reinforce each other. These reinforcements multiply the help of positive impacts and multiply the harm of negative impacts. For example, if one feels gratifications from both self-confidence and self-respect, the two gratifications reinforce, providing more resilience in challenging situations than individual, fragmented gratifications provide. Reinforcement multiplies when gratifications are outcomes of subconscious thoughts, as opposed to conscious thoughts, due to the relative power of the subconscious mind to apply associations it makes between related gratifications.

Principle of Momentum

Positive momentum that is felt psychologically is the anticipation that positive outcomes will continue, which generally triggers and enhances calm, confidence, creativity, focus, recall, persistence, and other positive psychological capacities. Beyond a certain threshold, positive momentum tends to stick, or strongly stabilize, in a state that is clearly worth achieving, given such benefits. Negative momentum tends to work similarly but in the opposing direction. Positive momentum is felt as pleasure in the form of anticipation gratification while negative momentum is felt as pain in the form of anticipation exasperation.

Principle of Universality

A universal reference for one choosing something is that which happens when all individuals choose it. We try to imagine the outcome in that case and whether that outcome meets our needs. We find this universal reference crucial to identifying strategies of maximum positivity and minimum negativity. The impact of a strategy deployed by one is comprehensively informed by consideration of the impact of the strategy deployed by all. This universal reference is easily applied subconsciously to every choice in our progression toward total positivity, toward our full potential.

Principle of Naturality

We find abundant evidence that naturalizing our strategies to meet our needs is crucial to our reaching our full potential. Naturalizing our strategies starts with identifying those strategies our ancestors developed, individually and subconsciously. Strategies developed in this way are naturally coherent with our capacities and objectives. As our ancestors lived their lives deploying these strategies, their environments imposed evolutionary pressures, resulting in evolved bodies and minds, after generations, with maximum thriving, in these environments.

These environments consisted of ecosystems that we consider external, or out of our ancestors' control, but they were also shaped by the strategies they deployed to meet their needs. These strategies thereby also shaped the evolutionary pressures on our ancestors, and thereby also shaped their evolved bodies and minds, and ours. Hence, our maximum thriving depends on our instinctively, subconsciously, and independently developing our strategies to meet our needs, individually, with the knowledge of our ancestors' strategies, and with the mutual aid of our present communities.

Principle of Positivity

Humanity clearly prefers pleasure over pain, so given that positive things produce pleasure and negative things produce pain, it follows that we prefer positive things over negative things. We have opportunity to design, plan, and choose positive things, but we observe all around us mixed-bags of positive and negative. We observe mixed-bags in both nature and society, but we notice that, in its order building, nature eventually replaces mixed-bags with things more positive, such as replacing contest and conflict with ethics and reason. Humanity also has a capacity and preference to replace mixed-bags of positive and negative with things more positive, for more pleasure, thriving and happiness, to reach a pinnacle of positivity, to reach our full potential.

While things we sometimes perceive as positive can be mixed-bags in reality, we expect that systematically pursuing positive things eventually clears misperceptions and progressively produces more positive outcomes than negative outcomes. While we may sometimes perceive that negativity is inevitable or unavoidable, we diligently pursue indications that more positivity is attainable, and find overwhelming evidence that it is. When we estimate the positivity in a strategy, for example, we notice that positivity is context-specific, such that most of the work goes into identifying, documenting, and communicating how such estimates vary with context.

Principle of Simplicity

We find abundant evidence that simplifying our strategies to meet our needs is crucial to our reaching our full potential. Simplification is a process of our identifying and removing unneeded elements from a strategy to reduce its cost and complexity while preserving its function, and thereby increasing its value. We may identify a member in a set of strategies, or a component in a strategy, that we can remove for simplification. Alternatively, we may realize that one strategy can generalize into broader contexts to reduce the number of strategies we need. Similarly, simplification includes systematically applying standardized strategies to eliminate redundancy and time-tested strategies to endure for the long-term. Furthermore, we potentially reduce the complexity of our strategies when we find we can thrive with fewer options.

After we verify that these simplifications integrate coherently with other elements in the whole of positivity, we can enjoy their contributions to maximizing the benefits of the whole. Our simplification of our strategies, while preserving our individual independence, illustrates two elements that we seek to integrate coherently in the whole of positivity.

Priorities for Strategy Design

Naturality, positivity, and simplicity are three principles we integrate as priorities for designing our strategies to meet our needs. Naturality is a capacity of our low-level, or conditioned mind, while positivity is a capacity of our mid-level, or ethical mind, and simplicity is a capacity of our high-level, or logical mind.

Naturality provides for us integration with our evolutionary reality, or a guide for our strategies to naturally align with our capacities. Positivity provides for us a guide to maximize the energy we dedicate to our thriving. Simplicity provides for us a guide we need to minimize our consumption of resources, including our time, attention, energy, effort, and materials, in meeting our needs.

Our low-level mind applies its capacity for the pursuit of pleasure to integrate naturality into our strategies to meet our needs. Our mid-level mind balances its capacity for caring and ethics with our low-level mind's pursuit of pleasure to integrate naturality and positivity into our strategies to meet our needs. Our high level mind balances its capacity for logic and reason with our low-level mind's pursuit of pleasure, and our mid-level mind's pursuit of ethics, to integrate naturality, positivity, and simplicity into our strategies to meet our needs.

We observe that nature's order-building process originally produced the capacity for naturality with its evolution of the low-level mind in our reptilian ancestors, subsequently produced the capacity for positivity with its evolution of the mid-level mind in our mammalian ancestors, and finally produced the capacity for simplicity with its evolution of the high-level mind in our human ancestors.

While numerous animal species thrive without higher-level minds, and individuals with higher-level minds may not always utilize them, we recognize these as milestones in nature's order-building process, providing us opportunities to reduce work/cost/harm in our strategies to meet our needs. Therefore, it remains our ideal to utilize all of our evolved capacities, to maximize and balance naturality, positivity, and simplicity in our strategy designs, to reach and maintain our full potential, and enjoy the outcomes.

Principle of Power and Control

As individuals, we apply our power and control to our strategies to meet our universal human needs. Individual power and control to meet individual needs manifests universal independence, essential for humanity to reach full potential. The power to meet individual needs is provided by individual access to material or physiological resources, particularly, land and water. The control to meet individual needs is provided by individual access to intellectual or psychological resources, particularly, knowledge and skills. Only when access to such resources is universally available, utilized, and limited to just enough to meet individual needs, can it manifest universal independence.

Limiting power to just enough to meet individual needs demonstrates respect for the intrinsic worth of all, supporting autonomy. Limiting control to just enough to meet individual needs demonstrates respect for the informed will of all, supporting equality. Individual power and control, limited to meet individual needs, are thereby associated with universal equality and autonomy.

Power and control relate to the principles and practices that comprise our ultimate philosophy in that we apply our control in our principles and we apply our power in our practices. Our power and control may be represented by the magnitude and direction of a vector, that drive and guide our thoughts, choices and actions, at a natural rate, in participation and cooperation with nature's order-building, toward total positivity.

Principle of Balance

As we recognize that one's ultimate need is to completely meet all of one's physiological and psychological needs, we also recognize that balance, or equilibrium, between these needs is also needed to reach one's full potential. This balance between one's physiological and psychological needs means the synergy of benefits of meeting these needs is maximized. Balance is achieved by experimenting to determine the allocation of attention to each need that maximizes this synergy of benefits. Therefore, after discovering one's physiological and psychological needs, then completing the strategy for meeting one's ultimate need includes balancing the strategies for meeting one's physiological and psychological needs to maximize the synergy of benefits.

The primary force working against nature's order-building process is chaos, which defines the negative direction for an organism's power/control vector, while the organism's participation in nature's order-building process defines the positive direction. Work toward balancing one's strategies to meet physiological and psychological needs imposes transients in magnitude and direction for one's power/control vector, but these diminish as equilibrium and stability are reached, with control in the positive direction and power maximized.

If one inadvertently extends one's power/control beyond independently meeting one's own needs, this imposes power/control over others which interfere with both our principles and practices toward independently meeting our needs, and which disturbs the balance, or equilibrium, that we've achieved toward our full potential.

Principle of Bias

We make our evaluations of our observations against our references, a part of our reality which we continually update and refine to produce accurate evaluations. Our evaluations are in the form of probability estimates of the outcomes of our proposed strategies to meet our needs. Strategies may involve single events or routine practices. Our probability estimates of outcomes become estimates of the change rates of outcomes in repeated practices. Our probability estimates of outcomes and the change rates of outcomes can be subjected to the influence of our arousals, i.e. our cravings, curiosities and concerns.

This tendency for our arousals to influence our evaluations we call bias. Our awareness of this tendency enables us to explore and understand it, and to manage it to maintain the maximum objectivity of our evaluations, producing the greatest accuracy in our conceptual models and predictions of strategy performance toward meeting our needs with minimum work/cost/harm and maximum naturality/positivity/simplicity.

We also discover that when securing objective evaluations, our bias toward total positivity, under the influence of the craving and curiosity arousals, greatly enhances our performance in our induction (i.e. exploration and discovery) processes by strengthening our patience, persistence, focus, creativity, and all our positive capacities, which then multiply their impacts in a virtuous circle, producing far-greater progress toward total positivity.

Practice of Induction

Induction includes the routine mental process of exploring possibilities for things that share commonality to share even more commonality. For example, things that share attributes can likely share applications. Or things known to share a narrower set of attributes/applications may actually share a broader set of attributes/applications. Induction thereby provides possibilities of multiplying benefits, advantages and efficiencies, thereby reducing work/cost/harm in strategies to meet needs.

Induction also includes the routine mental process of exploring possibilities of unknown things sharing commonality with known things. We take advantage of such commonality to maximize probabilities of our experimental success or to extend the utility of previous work when further developing least work/cost/harm strategies to meet our needs. Induction indicates inductive reasoning, which uses observations as a basis for constructing generalities that are probable. I witnessed in my personal experience an astounding potential when one anticipates benefits and cultivates the creative skill of induction.

Practice of Integration

I have found great benefits in maximizing integration in all my thoughts, choices, actions, ethics and reasons, principles and practices. Integration means consideration of all things, or all things considered. Fragmentation means an incomplete consideration of things.

For example, consideration of both ethics and reason is integrated whereas consideration of only reason is fragmented. Free software supporting the freedom of both software developers and end-users is integrated while supporting only developers is fragmented. Composting waste with least-cost strategies is integrated while composting waste with commercial products is fragmented. Proactive strategies tend to be integrated while reactive strategies tend to be fragmented.

Nature's order-building is naturally integrated because individual things proceed under the impacts of all things, hence taking into consideration, or factoring in, all things. Humanity may participate in nature's order-building with consideration of all things, in our thoughts, choices, actions, in our principles and practices, thereby harmonizing with natural integration.

Fragmentation, by definition, creates harmful side-effects due to negligence of the dependencies between things that are integrated. Integration, when sought in our observations and evaluations, and applied to our principles and practices, eliminates fragmentation and its harmful side-effects which distract and overwhelm authoritarian societies.

Practice of Value Maximization

Consistent maximization of naturality/positivity/simplicity, and minimization of work/cost/harm, in developing our strategies to meet our needs, are key to our participation in nature's order-building process, and necessary to reach our full potential. Careful investigations reveal exponential benefits from maximization of naturality/positivity/simplicity, and minimization of work/cost/harm. We find a sense of confidence or feeling of momentum that builds out of consistent maximization of positivity and minimization of negativity in our thoughts, choices, and actions.

Maximization of positivity and minimization of negativity are two conceptualizations we integrate together to meet our needs, to benefit from our capacities to perceive both positive and negative. Positivity provides positive points to attach associations and positive elements to feed virtuous circles, in our subconscious processes. Consciously utilizing our negative conceptualizations and evaluations, while avoiding subconscious programming of them, contributes productively to maximizing positivity.

The ratio of positivity to negativity is expressed by the concept of value, so that maximizing value expresses the explicit inclusion of both maximizing positivity and minimizing negativity, which addresses any ambiguity arising in the implicit expression of the inverse by either activity.

Practice of Occupational Generalization

There is only one occupation for living organisms, such as humanity, and that is reaching and maintaining one's full potential, i.e. the complete meeting of one's physiological and psychological needs, individually and independently, with strategies of least work/cost/harm. This is occupational generalization. Nature has provided humanity abundant capacities for cultivating, sharing, and learning knowledge, strategies, and skills for meeting our needs, making occupational generalization a highly coherent concept to apply to our strategies to reach full potential. Occupational generaliation contrasts with occupational specialization, which occurs in societies founded on principles of "division of labor" that provide only an illusion of net benenfit from minimizing training.

The complete meeting of one's needs, individually and independently, puts into practice our capacity to manage multiple considerations, to fully utilize the mental resources that contribute to our intrinsic worth.

Occupational generalization is the pillar of individual independence. Full, individual independence, is crucial to individuals reaching full potential, and out of the mutual aid of individuals' full potential we reach humanity's full potential, with the two then forming a self-reinforcing virtuous circle.

The complete meeting of one's needs is an organism's motivator to reach one's full potential. Individual independence allows one to maintain full potential in all situations ranging from full isolation to complex social interactions. Occupational specialization creates destructive dependencies, and leaves fragmented thoughts, choices and actions accumulating costly/harmful side-effects.

Beyond individual independence, occupational generalization allows all to participate fully in humanity's ongoing process of mutual-aid, with all of humanity regularly rotating through an abundance of short-term specialized roles toward building and utilizing a global system of shared resources. Our building this shared system satisfies our need to fully utilize our capacities in our ongoing participation in nature's order-building process.

Practice of Reality Sharing

Humanity's full potential rests on a foundation that includes the practice of reality sharing. An individual's reality is a set of perceptions that explain what, how, and why everything is. At full potential, each individual understands that humanity's shared capacities determine our shared needs, hence there exists a set of strategies, founded on a consensus reality, for each individual to independently meet these shared needs with maximum positivity and minimum negativity. Therefore, to reach full potential, each individual starts by working systematically and independently to build one's individual reality.

Along the way, one's awareness of the value of mutual aid inspires one to induce that one's individual reality will be ultimately shared among all, and inspires one to enthusiastically share with others each new step of one's progress. This inspiration, i.e. these felt gratifications, imagra, antigra, and manigra, out of imagining, pursuing, and manifesting the outcome of incremental steps, and diligent sharing of results, creates strong motivational synergy among all of humanity, to reach its full potential, and enjoy its tremendous benefits.

In an integrated process, with the ongoing participation of all, individual realities converge toward humanity's consensus reality which, in turn, converges toward natural reality.

Practice of Strategy Sharing

Humanity at full potential finds universal consensus on our principles and practices and, more broadly, our realities and strategies. This possibility is revealed to each when negativity is managed and positivity is pursued, and it comes out of what we share in common, physiologically and psychologically. Maximum positivity means maximum coherence between everything we value, as our coherent realities and strategies build our confidence and streamline our tasks.

We cultivate strategies to meet our needs to maximize positivity and minimize negativity, resulting in a set of standard strategies we catalog for all to use directly or as starting points for tailoring to a given context. We globally deploy a consistent documentation framework for universally sharing our standard strategies, for universal benefit, and with universal participation in the refining process.

Strategies involve physiological and psychological tools and techniques. Their documentation includes identifying ways in which tools and techniques aid in meeting needs, and identifying the contexts where these ways apply. Standardizing and documenting basic strategies greatly simplifies identifying an optimum strategy for a given context.

Practice of Child Development

The child's caregiver recognizes when the child has acquired a new capacity at each stage of the child's development toward full independence, and at each stage the caregiver shares frequently with the child his personal preference to fully utilize the capacity for himself. This provides the child immediate opportunity to explore potential benefits and pursue utilizing this new capacity for itself as well, with the caregiver's aid.

When the caregiver fails to recognize when the child has acquired a new capacity, and continues to provide unneeded care, leaving the child's new capacity under-utilized, the role of caregiver devolves into a role of authority, cultivating unnecessary/harmful codependence in the relationship.

In addition to the caregiver encouraging and guiding the child's development toward full independence, all individuals routinely share encouragement/support with each-other, throughout life, for each to fully utilize all capacities, consistently, to achieve full independence, as part of humanity's reaching full potential.

Sharing encouragement/support to fully utilize all capacities integrates with all other parts of mutual aid, including sharing observations, evaluations, conclusions, with all of humanity, and including sharing material surpluses locally, to form a complete whole of a global mutual aid network, toward humanity reaching its full potential.

When the child's caregiver fails to guide the child toward full independence, both the caregiver and the child fall into codependence, as the role of caregiver devolves into a role of authority, which prevents the child from reaching full independence and its full potential.

The devolved role of authority sets a precedent to expand itself to family, tribe, and village relationships. The patriarch, or matriarch, and the tribal chief or village chief, establish themselves, setting precedents for the mayor of the city, emperor of the dynasty, king of the realm, chancellor of the empire, prime minister of the state, president of the corporation, and chairman of the board. In all cases, authority infantilizes humanity, preventing it reaching its full potential.

Authoritarian systems, societies, and institutions inflict massive work/cost/harm, producing cultures and traditions of infantilization, subjugation, and vilification of humanity. Infantilization depletes humanity's free will and self-reliance. Subjugation depletes humanity's self-confidence and self-esteem. Vilification depletes humanity's respect for the intrinsic worth of life.

Practice of Infrastructure Development

Humanity's Ultimate Facility includes physical infrastructure that vitally adheres to the general principle of maximizing naturality/positivity/simplicity and minimizing work/cost/harm and, more specifically, integrates with nature, facilitates community, streamlines routines. Optimum village size for human community at full potential is around 160 members, based on the human capacity to maintain meaningful relationships, so typically 40 homesteads of 4 members, per village.

Main roads run east-west with villages along them and separated by several acres allocated for collective production of food and materials. Villages along main roads are separated in the north-south direction by east-west wildlife corridors, several hundred feet wide, parallel with the main roads. A secondary road and wildlife corridor near each village runs north-south, intersecting the main roads and wildlife corridors.

Homesteads face the main road, and the equator, on one-acre plots providing the bulk of a homestead's food and material. Villages have 4 east-west rows of 10 homesteads each, and a 5th row of public structures nearest the main road including surplus exchange/storage, cottage industry, post office, public library, activity hall, travel inn and food pub.

Integration with nature vitally includes adjustments to our physical infrastructure to compensate for geographic and climatic variations, and integration with geographic features such as slopes that impact solar insolation and watershed flows.

Practice of Food Combining

We each have the capacity to thrive for over a century, if we decide to, and understand how to do so. Part of how is to minimize the work our bodies do, and digesting our food is a big part of that. Minimizing the work in digesting our food requires separately digesting the different macronutrients, i.e. minimizing mixing of proteins, fats, starches and sugars. Sugars are fastest/easiest to digest while the others require substantial processes, chemicals and energy. Mixing macronutrients interferes with the digestion of each.

We therefore seek to consume sugars first in a meal, and space in time the consumption of each macronutrient, to avoid any one slowing down the digestion of any other. We also minimize the total amounts of each macronutrient to our bodies' requirements, so we consume much more sugars than proteins, fats and starches. We imagine a series of small meals of one macronutrient each, spaced through-out each day, imposing the minimum load on the digestive system. Plant stalks, stems, leaves, buds and immature fruits tend to provide more fiber and water, and fewer macronutrients, which means they mix well with large servings of macronutrients.

Finally, we note that natural strategies to meet our needs provide for us essentially this same outcome given that our evolution took place in a natural environment in which we consumed our food mostly from one source at a time, and mostly sugars from fruits. As a side-note, we see food-combining as a helpful illustration of how we integrate the capacities of all three evolutionary stages of our minds in our strategy development processes to maximize naturality/positivity/simplicity and minimize work/cost/harm.

Purpose of Dreaming

We find the greatest probability that our capacity to dream evolved to facilitate sleep by providing a stable distraction to our conscious minds. This distraction prevents our conscious minds from spontaneously producing thoughts causing eye movements that interrupt sleep. Melatonin production is a key function of sleep which fixes the eyes in an upward position. We can directly observe that our return to consciousness lowers the eyes which shuts off melatonin production.

Separately, but simultaneously, melatonin production also provides a comforting feeling that distracts us from our conscious concerns, thereby helping us lose consciousness and fall asleep. We can also directly observe this phenomenon. We gain tremendous benefits learning from our observations more about our nature, knowledge we can apply, making ideal choices, to meet our needs with maximum positivity, to ultimately reach our full potential.