
Integrated Proficiencies

By Robert Thomas Drury


Proficiency is the knowledge, skill and experience for doing something. Integrated proficiencies means the integration of one proficiency with all other proficiencies, in the subconscious mind, maximizing mental performance in complex environments. Integrating all proficiencies is humanity's ideal, but impractical because the number of possible proficiencies is beyond the limit of human capacity. However, integrating a practical, priority set of proficiencies within the limit of human capacity is necessary for realizing humanity's full potential, while complete integration as our ideal remains a motivational necessity.

Integrated proficiencies means all the components of knowledge, skill and experience to meet our needs are integrated in the massively powerful subconscious mind for an individual to gain the huge benefits of relating these vital components. For example, recognizing similarities between two proficiencies often streamlines application of one proficiency by adding insights, knowledge, skills and experience that are often very relevant and helpful. Another example is that knowing multiple proficiencies opens tremendous opportunities to devise hybrids lying between these that greatly optimize applications.

Each individual acquires the proficiencies needed for personal self-sufficiency, ultimately leading to a global community of independent individuals meeting individual needs, with mutual aid. Integrated proficiencies leads to occupational generalization, and ultimately universal self-sufficiency, humanity at full potential, humanity's ultimate agenda, while fragmented proficiency leads to occupational specialization, ultimately toward universal dependence on authority, humanity infantilized and enslaved to authority, authority's ultimate agenda.

One may observe one's own subconscious mind deploying intergrated proficiencies to accomplish every natural task. Like everything natural, a natural task is integrated, which means all things considered, or consideration of all things. Consideration of all things, i.e. integrated thoughts/choices/actions, prevents costly side-effects, while neglect of some things, i.e. fragmented thoughts/choices/actions, creates costly side-effects.

The massive power of the subconscious mind of individuals operating in daily routines to meet all individual needs contrasts with the massively inferior conscious mind operating in occupational specializations, hierarchical relationships, and bureaucratic structures of authoritarian systems. Not to mention the ethics.